Pop Quiz: How many Cebu Macho Dancers that you know celebrated Father's Day last Sunday? If your answer is 0. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Guess again.
Maybe it is career-ending if customers know that an MD has kids or a family. Which is why this information is kept a secret. Not talking about advertising about the MD kids, but simply admitting to it when confronted.
Let's call him Allen. He was on his late 20's when I first met him. Dark-skinned and on the twink side. For some reason he looks closer to 21 than to his real age of 28. A friend told me that people are suspecting that Allen has a kid. Initially, I asked him about it which he denied, and I believed him. He said people are making up stories about him because of his troubles with the other bar.
Not even 6 months after, I chanced upon him at a drug-store-cum-grocery near Ibabao. He was buying infant milk! I did not confront him. I actually have never confronted him ever since we parted ways. I had a strange feeling that the rumors are true. My connections with transportation office and the statistics office confirmed that not only Allen is already a father, but is married with 3 kids, including (then) 7-month old daughter.
More than hurt or anger, I felt guilt and sadness. Somebody had to lie to make a living. And I thought to myself, are we damaging his kid's life by what we are doing? Or are we actually helping his growing family, by supporting him?
I would have never known the answer to either of those 2 questions. But what I know, is that there are so many Allen's in the Cebu MD community. Fathers in hiding for fear that they would lose customers if they knew. Incidentally, from our Top 5 Fave Cebu Macho Dancers, more than 2 are already daddy's, including one very recently =).
actually some macho dancers do admit they are fathers coz for some
TumugonBurahingays it increases their macho appeal. we know a lot of MD's are gays
thus some customers would prefer MD's who have proven their manliness.
it seems this blog needs updating, but thanks for your posts. it is just
sad that some gaybars have closed and cebu city is now a no-gaybar
zone after the closure of cheetah. i hope mandaue and lapulapu will
remain as tolerant as they are now, although some groups may pressure
politicians to give these establishment a hard time. and i hope the raid
by the CIDG on poseidon will not happen again because it is the MDs
who showed their privates who gets arrested, buti na lang na dismissed
yung kaso for lack of merit because the video evidence is not clear and
was not admitted by the court after the MDs spent months of jail time.
please continue posting.